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We've just launched our new supporter scheme.Find out more here

Sherpa Romeo donors

The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is a network of organisations committed to securing the financial future of key open research infrastructures. SCOSS was formed in 2017, with Sherpa Romeo and the DOAJ being the nominated infrastructures for the pilot funding cycle.

The Sherpa Romeo dataset is incorporated into one service, open policy finder, which offers listings of journal policies, book policies and funder policies in one place. Jisc open policy finder data is free to all global users at the point of access through the user interface and the API.

Open policy finder needs your support to maintain its ongoing financial sustainability and therefore to enable the provision of its important datasets to the global open research landscape.

You can support open policy finder via our new supporter scheme.

List of donors to Sherpa Romeo through the SCOSS scheme

We are delighted to say that we had a very positive response to this funding scheme, and you can see a list below of the consortia and institutions that pledged their support for Sherpa Romeo.

CRKN (Canada)

Atlantic Region



Western Region

FinELib consortium (Finland)


Universities of Applied Sciences (Polytechnics)

Research Institutes

Unit Consortium (Norway)