Why is my institution not listed?
This tool only lists UK institutions. If your institution is not present, please contact help@jisc.ac.uk (adding open policy finder in the subject field).
Why is my institution not listed?
This tool only lists UK institutions. If your institution is not present, please contact help@jisc.ac.uk (adding open policy finder in the subject field).
We've just launched our new supporter scheme.Find out more here
As a not-for-profit, community support is crucial to continue providing a trusted, sector-leading, global service. Express your interest in joining our supporter scheme and our team will contact you to discuss what works best for your institution or consortium.
We recognise that the size of organisation is dependent on local context. We have made the supporter scheme tiers broad so that organisations can self-select which level is most appropriate.
Reduced contribution tiers (50% reduction) are available to very small organisations, and to low and middle income countries as listed by the World Bank Country and Lending Groups
The open policy finder team is open to project-based collaborations, customised support, and consultancy. Please contact us for more information about the scheme and pricing.
The contribution levels of the open policy finder scheme follow the guidelines recommended by the SCOSS framework
It costs over £450,000 a year for open policy finder to maintain the high level of service that institutions depend on.
See what we have achieved with your financial supportJisc provides 10% of our operating costs, through UK institution membership fees.
We fundraise the rest through the supporter scheme, donations, grants and projects. Your support is crucial to maintaining our sector-leading service.
Data in open policy finder is entered and maintained by a team of highly skilled editors. They rigorously review each publisher to ensure trustworthiness and interpret publisher policies to provide you with standardised, accurate, machine-readable policy data.
Open policy finder is continuously enhanced by our dedicated team of developers, guided by the needs of our community. Over the next year, we will be updating the backend software stack to create an intuitive administration system so that open policy finder remains responsive to the future demands of our community.
By supporting open policy finder, your organisation will join a growing community of like-minded institutions committed to advancing global open access infrastructures.
Express your interest