Why is my institution not listed?
This tool only lists UK institutions. If your institution is not present, please contact help@jisc.ac.uk (adding open policy finder in the subject field).
Why is my institution not listed?
This tool only lists UK institutions. If your institution is not present, please contact help@jisc.ac.uk (adding open policy finder in the subject field).
We've just launched our new supporter scheme.Find out more here
Read all about the news and updates to open policy finder services.
We are delighted to launch our new supporter scheme for open policy finder.
As we move toward a future of truly open research, the financial sustainability of important open access infrastructures like ours needs to be secured. We receive just 10% of our operating costs from UK institutions through their Jisc membership. Our global supporter scheme, aimed at international institutions and consortia, makes a substantial difference to our ongoing viability. Your support enables us to continue providing our high-quality service whilst improving our offer to the worldwide community.
Our data is freely accessible to everyone via our user interface and API. If your institution benefits from our open access policy resources, we invite you to support us on our future journey. In this way, you will help sustain vital open infrastructure and align with a growing community of like-minded organisations intent on furthering the openness of the world's research outcomes.
For more information on how you can help, please visit our supporter scheme page.
We are delighted to officially launch the new Jisc open policy finder site today - bringing together the former Sherpa services into a unified and re-designed user-interface.
In addition to all of the updates made to date, this latest release includes some tweaks to the interface, including the menu and footers, and incorporates the new product name throughout the site.
If you would like to find out more about the re-development of the site, it is not too late to register for our launch webinar - please see details below.
We hope you find open policy finder helpful and easy to use - please do let us know any comments or feedback you have.
Join this webinar on Thursday 7 November to find out about Jisc's new open policy finder. The new platform, launching on 4 November, will combine the functionality of the three existing Sherpa services, Sherpa Fact, Sherpa Romeo, and Sherpa Juliet, helping authors and institutions with decision making in open access publishing and compliance.
We are pleased to share that we will be officially launching the new site in a few weeks' time (4th November) with our new name of 'open policy finder'.
We will also be holding a webinar on the 7th November to introduce the new site - please see details to book a place at this below:
Join this webinar on Thursday 7 November to find out about Jisc's new open policy finder. The new platform, launching on 4 November, will combine the functionality of the three existing Sherpa services, Sherpa Fact, Sherpa Romeo, and Sherpa Juliet, helping authors and institutions with decision making in open access publishing and compliance.
Our latest update to the new Sherpa site has been released, and incorporates a brand new ‘help’ area as well as a number of other improvements to the beta site.
As always, please do let us know if you have any questions or comments about any of the changes we have made – we value all feedback as we continue to improve the site moving forward.
We are pleased to be launching an updated version of our Transitional Agreement Lookup tool today! Not only will this new version bring a fresher look to the user interface, we have also improved the tool's data source to help provide users with better quality, more up to date information on Transitional Agreements.
In addition to this, the new release for Sherpa Services also includes the following updates:
We're looking forward to sharing more information about future updates and enhancements to the new Sherpa Services in the near future!
We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Mir@bel to increase the Sherpa Romeo dataset holdings with the addition of publishing and self-archiving policies for a range of French publishers and journals. This is part of our ongoing commitment to operate as a sustainable, inclusive and diverse resource for our users across the globe.
Mir@bel provides a tool for declaring and consulting the publishing and self-archiving policies of French scientific journals. The project to create this service was carried out under the guidance of the Open Science Committee and its working group on publishing policies.
Mir@bel's mission is to “rethink how French journals' publication policies are collected, formatted and distributed in terms of the dissemination of articles and deposits in open archives” and to “give these policies international visibility” in partnership with Jisc and the Romeo service.
The Mir@bel site reports on over 20,000 journals, offering links to online content and the navigation of numerous complementary sites.
We are delighted to report that over the last 6 months our ongoing collaboration with Mir@bel has enabled us to add over 150 French journal records and their associated open access policies to our database. This improves their visibility to global Sherpa users and helps fill in the gaps of our French publisher coverage.
Our collaboration with Mira@bel will continue further into 2024, when we will be looking at ways to automate the ingest of French publishers' journals and policies into Sherpa Romeo via the Mir@bel dataset.
Sherpa services data is used world-wide and therefore we place great value on the high quality international data that is supplied to our users as a result of engaging in these open access stakeholder partnerships.
If you have any questions or comments on any of the above, or wish to let us know of anything else Sherpa related, please feel free to contact the Sherpa team via email at: help@jisc.ac.uk. Don't forget to mention Sherpa in the Subject line of your email.
You can join the Sherpa Services User Group mailing list at: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SherpaUsers
You can join the Sherpa Publisher Group mailing list at: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SherpaPublishers
Find out more about the new features we're adding to Sherpa Services on our What's New page
Following our recent posts regarding updates to the new Sherpa Services site, we are continuing to release regular updates incorporating additions, tweaks and amendments to our new user interface.
In our latest release, we have made some changes including the following:
We hope the above updates will continue to improve our new site and your user experience - please do continue to try out the new site and let us know what you think, your feedback is gratefully received!
Since the pilot launch of our new dataset for open access book policies on Sherpa in January we have been busy collecting feedback and refining the data model and interface. Many thanks to everyone who has sent their comments.
Key improvements are:
Many of you have told us that it would be useful for you to see the processing charges listed in the records too. As most publishers operate multiple funding models and charges are subject to waivers, institutional agreements, manuscript extents etc we felt that it would be difficult to ensure that this information is accurate and therefore useful to authors and librarians.
We are currently working on adding publisher policies to the directory. The list of publisher records will be available from the OA for Books landing page. We will also share newly added book policies through the Sherpa user group and Sherpa publishers jiscmail.
Over the next few months we will also be working on the help and support pages.
Please continue to send feedback and report any errors if you find them. You can contact us through service desk help@jiscmail.com (with Sherpa in subject line) – your feedback is invaluable and helps us improve the site and the service we provide to you.
As we move closer to the official launch of our new consolidated Sherpa Services site our development team are busy adding to and improving features of the site in response to feedback we have received.
A new release has been made to the site today, and we are pleased to share the following updates:
As always, please do continue to try out the features of our new site and let us know what you think - your feedback is an invaluable part of the process in creating our new site so we are hugely grateful for all feedback we receive!
Firstly, thank you to all Sherpa users who have been trying our new site and have provided us with feedback - all your comments are incredibly valuable and help us to improve the service we provide.
We've been busy over the last few months reviewing your comments and refining the design and functionality to help make the new Sherpa clearer. We're pleased to finally be able to release some of these changes to you:
We hope that these changes will further improve the new Sherpa Services website and we look forward to hearing your feedback. We are continuing to revise and refine as we move towards the full launch in autumn so please keep sending us your comments.
Thanks again for your continued support and feedback!